Friday, November 6, 2009

WR 6 - Transcendentalism

Research and then discuss the Transcendentalism movement. What was it? Who were the major authors and "players?" How did their beliefs differ from established belief systems, and how did they shape American history?



                Transcendentalism was a new way of thinking about literature, religion, philosophy, and culture that emerged in New England in the 19th century. This movement was caused by people trying to create a distinctive form of American literature. After becoming independent from England, these transcendentalists were working towards forming a new style of literature, different from that of other countries who had influenced them in the past. This group of people also strived to define spirituality and religion. Many believed that the each person had a soul, conscience, divine spark, or inter light, inside them and therefore focused on the innate worth of an individual. They also focused on the independence of ones mind.

                Among the transcendentalists were several educated authors and other “players.” The start of this movement was influenced with the establishment of the Transcendental Club of Boston, Massachusetts in 1836. Early contributors to this club included essayist and poet Ralph Waldo Emerson, author and social reformer Margaret Fuller, Minister Theodore Parker, and naturalist Henry David Thoreau. Although the clubs beliefs were never specifically stated, an anonymous pamphlet, An Essay on Transcendentalism, wrote out common principles of the group. It stated that "Transcendentalism... maintains that man has ideas, that come not through the five senses, or the powers of reasoning, but are either the result of direct revelation from God, his immediate inspiration, or his immanent presence in the spiritual world," it also stated that "it asserts that man has something besides the body of flesh, a spiritual body, with senses to perceive what is true, and right and beautiful, and a natural love for these, as the body for its food."

                Transcendentalists believed that we all have a divine spark, and that we all entered the world as glorious beings, and because "God was in every person"             we were therefore good. However that innocence and purity is lost over time, and in order to reach salvation one must connect once again with the divinity with in them.

                These people were also important reformists of their time, believing in movements such as suffrage for women, free religion, better working conditions, and several other humanitarian causes

The Transcendentalism movement was very important in shaping American History for several reasons. First of all, it helped form free religion in our country. Also, it helped to abolish slavery, and create equal rights for women.

                     Although the transcendentalist movement has ended, many of its morals and values still influence our society today. 

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